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Pacific Prawn Fishermen's Association. 

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The Pacific Prawn Fishermen's Association is a non-profit association that represents the British Columbia the Spot Prawn licence holders.

The Pacific Prawn Fishermen's Association is actively involved in managing and promoting the sustainability of the fishery. 

The commercial spot prawn fishery is one of the most valuable in the Pacific Region, accounting for a landed value of around $30-50M annually.


The goals of the PPFA are to:

  • Promote the welfare and defend the interests of B.C. prawn fishermen;

  • Provide official representation of and for B.C. prawn fishermen in dealings with federal and provincial government departments, boards and agencies; and

  • Provide official representation of and for B.C. prawn fishermen in dealings with other organizations in the fishing industry. 

The Pacific Prawn Fishermen's Association explores and develops programs and policies for the protection and conservation of the prawn fishery both independently and in conjunction with federal and provincial government departments, boards and agencies.


The PPFA also makes recommendations to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and other federal and provincial government officials regarding the B.C. prawn industry. We promote legislation, regulations and government policies which may benefit B.C. prawn fishermen and the pacific prawn fishery.

© 2024 by the Pacific Prawn Fishermen's Association

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